You need to learn about eye care as part of your health routine. Many people don’t take care of their eyes due to not knowing how to do so. Fortunately, the paragraphs below contain information that can help.

Surprisingly enough, the foods you eat can impact your eye health. There are foods, such as those rich in vitamin C and fatty acids, that can help you fight against eye degeneration diseases. Eat at least one serving a day from choices among dark, leafy veggies, oranges, nuts, beans, and seafood like tuna or salmon.

Be sure you know whether or not eye disease runs in your family. Many conditions are hereditary, so knowing about them can help the doctor help you. Speak with older family members to know about any history with eye problems.

TIP! Although you may think that sunglasses should only be worn during the summer, the wintertime is also very important to have them on. It makes good sense when your realize how reflective snow can be.

Improve your eye health with omega-3 fatty acids. Try and switch up your diet to include more of these foods. These foods include salmon, halibut, tuna and leafy, dark green vegetables. Get a serving eaten every day you can.

Wear sunglasses when outdoors. Even on cloudy days, there are UV rays that can cause eye and skin damage. UV protection is always important when picking sunglasses. The extra cost is worth the benefits.

Wear a quality pair of sunglasses. They can keep your eyes protected from harmful UV rays. Look for those that provide 100% protection from UVA and UVB rays. If you’re frequently driving, you may want polarized lenses. These will help diminish glare. Sunglasses are still a good idea, even with the right contacts.

TIP! Make sure that you know your family’s history regarding eye issues. Many conditions or diseases that are hereditary may be tested and treated by an eye care specialist.

Consider the air conditioning and heating you use in your home. Arid air in your house can lead to dry eyes. Running a humidifier can help keep moisture in the air. Moisture helps keep your eyes from becoming dry and irritated.

Eye Exams

Getting regular eye exams is very important to good eye health. It is recommended that you have eye exams more often as you get older. Once you start to get older, things like glaucoma and cataracts can affect your eyes. Carefully take note of any eye problems that you have, and do not hesitate to consult your eye doctor with any concerns.

TIP! Should you still be a smoker, quit now. You know smoking can damage your lungs, but it can damage your eyes, too.

Throw away old makeup after 2 months. They can breed bacteria. You may be actually using a bacteria covered brush on your face and near your eyes if you continue using the old makeup. This can cause all sorts of damage to the eye and surrounding skin.

Your eye health is essential to proper vision. Take steps to ensure your eyes remain healthy. So, keep in mind all that you have leaned here and put it to good use.

Advanced Health LTD

Advanced Health LTD

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