Contracting a yeast infection is not fun. Yeast infection symptoms can be irritating and bothersome at best. This article has some great tips to help you prevent and treat yeast infections.

Always have fresh clothing on hand if you perform any exerting activities. This keeps your vaginal area dry and less likely to grow yeast. Creating a less-than-favorable environment for yeast is your goal.

A lot of sweat makes for a warm, moist environment. Moist, wet environments encourage yeast growth. Wear natural fibers such as cotton. This will help you combat the accumulation of moisture. Stay away from spandex, Lycra and nylon. They keep moisture right against your most sensitive bits.

TIP! When you go swimming, take off your wet swimsuit as soon as you are finished. You should make it a point to never keep wet clothing on because doing so encourages the growth of yeast.

Avoid any scented or caustic hygiene products. A lot of women clean the vaginal area with douches and scrubs. This can disturb the natural lubrication of your vagina and irritate it. You are more likely to get a yeast infection this way. Only use soap intended for your vagina.

Yeast Infections

Think about eating more yogurt if you have a lot of trouble with yeast infections. In yogurt, you will find the probiotics necessary to keep your body in equilibrium. Consuming one serving of yogurt daily has been shown to stave off yeast infections and makes you healthier in the process.

TIP! If you suffer from regularly occurring yeast infections, think about increasing your consumption of yogurt. Yogurt has probiotics and cultures that give you healthier vaginal flora.

A great, natural remedy for yeast infections involves apple cider vinegar. Spread it over infected regions of your body, but dilute it with water first. The vinegar is much too concentrated to use alone. Adding garlic to the mixture can help to alleviate some of the itching.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil makes for a great natural remedy for helping fight against yeast infections. You can mix this oil with some sweet almond oil, then make direct applications to the vagina. Do not apply tea tree oil straight out of the bottle. If it is not mixed with a carrier oil, it can cause painful burning. This is an effective way to fight infections and restore balance to the female organs.

TIP! Practice good hygiene to avoid yeast infections. Gently wash the entire genital area very well, and make sure all the folds of skin are cleansed.

If you find that you get a yeast infection every time you get your period, get proactive. An acidophilus tablet taken before and after your period can help. It should reduce or eliminate your symptoms. When you work hard to avoid such an infection, you’ll reap the rewards.

Use cotton underwear to reduce moisture that can result in yeast infections. Synthetic materials hold moisture in and cause a moist, yeast happy environment. Wear underwear of 100 percent cotton. Also, be sure to always put on new underwear if you have been sweating a lot. This will keep you healthy and free of yeast infections.

Being a woman can be tough sometimes, given the fact that a yeast infection could strike at any time and ruin your day. It’s best to prevent yeast infections using what you’ve learned here to guide you.

TIP! Cider vinegar can be a very effective, albeit old fashioned way of curing your yeast infection. Dilute the vinegar with water first, then gently apply it to the vaginal area.

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How To Cure Annoying Yeast Infections