If acid reflux is something you know personally, you know first-hand just how bad it gets. Look for helpful advice instead of continuing to live with the pain from reflux. For more insights and ideas, read on.

Fatty foods make it that much worse for people suffering from acid reflux. Fatty foods encourage acids to flow in the wrong direction. They also promote weight gain, which can exacerbate acid reflux. Eating a healthy diet can help your body stay healthy.

TIP! The last meal of the day should be eaten around three hours before you get in bed. When you are upright, any food in your stomach and the gastric acid settles down in your stomach.

Eliminate spicy foods from your diet to help alleviate acid reflux symptoms. These kinds of food increase the amount of acid found in the digestive tract and make the situation worse. You will usually find relief by avoiding these foods.

Chew some cinnamon gum after each meal. The act of chewing causes increased saliva production. Saliva helps to neutralize the acid of the stomach. In addition, people swallow more when they chew gum, which allows any acid that may be in the esophagus to be cleared away. Fruit gum can be used too. You should not chew on mint gum because mint causes your esophageal sphincter to relax, worsening your acid reflux.

TIP! Elevating the head of your bed can work wonders to sooth nighttime acid reflux. Anything that is sturdy enough to elevate the mattress is suitable.

Heart Attack

Sometimes, reflux symptoms can seem very similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. Don’t ignore any major pains in your chest. It is a symptom of a potential heart attack. Contact your doctor to learn what you should do. You will feel better knowing a health professional has checked the cause of your chest pains.

TIP! If you are pregnant, there is a higher chance of developing acid reflux. The baby’s growth tends to crowd the contents of the stomach, forcing acid into the esophagus.

Prop up your bed. You can do this by using wood, bricks and raisers to lift the bed. The head of the bed should be approximately six inches higher. When you have your chest and head elevated, stomach acid is less likely to come up when sleeping.

Reduce acid reflux by attaining and maintaining a proper weight. Obesity is a leading cause of this condition. By shedding one-tenth of your total body weight, you may see significant reductions in the occurrence of reflux. Don’t be silly with excessive dieting schemes, instead reduce the size of your meal portions.

TIP! Stress helps cause your acid reflux. Stress increases the amount of stomach acid and makes acid reflux more likely.

There are many trigger foods that can cause acid reflux. You’ll want to limit consumption of these foods to prevent acid reflux. Try avoiding spicy foods, tomatoes, carbonated beverages, alcohol, caffeine, milk, acidic fruits juices, and greasy fast food.

Maintain your ideal weight, or lose weight if needed. Too much weight around your midsection can affect your acid reflux. More fat near your stomach adds to the pressure on it, contributing to your condition. Even losing some pounds can alleviate your pain greatly.

TIP! Our acid reflux can be triggered by specific foods. You should avoid fat and greasy foods, tomatoes, chocolate, coffee and alcohol.

Drink only between meals. The muscle of your lower esophageal sphincter relaxes under the pressure when liquids are added to the food in the stomach. This makes acid and food come back into the esophagus via the stomach.

Acid Reflux

TIP! Keep a close watch on specific foods you have recently consumed when you are troubled by reflux. People who have acid reflux have triggers that make things worse.

Now is the perfect time to incorporate the tips you learned here to help rid yourself of the dreaded acid reflux that’s causing you pain in your life. Stop acid reflux from taking over your life and preventing you from doing all the things that you love. Instead, shut it down now, and get a new lease on life.

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