Acid reflux is known for the tremendous pain it can cause. There are different options to use if you need to get rid of your acid reflux problem. This article can be thought of as a weapon to add to your arsenal in the battle with acid reflux.

Get your fluid intake between your meals instead of while you are eating. This is a good way to manage hunger, since you stand a better chance of being thirsty than you do hungry. Additionally, if you drink separately from eating you will find that you don’t suffer from bloating and acid reflux as much.

TIP! Your last meal of the day should be consumed a minimum of three hours prior to going to bed. The acid and foods you’ve eaten stay in your stomach when you are awake and upright.

Stop smoking if you want to get rid of acid reflux. Smoking may actually be the root cause of your acid reflux. It slows both digestion and saliva production, while encouraging the body to produce more stomach acid. It also weakens the esophagus’ sphincter. That’s why it must be controlled.

Many pregnant women suffer from acid reflux. A growing child puts pressure on the stomach, which can push the acids of the stomach into the windpipe. If you want to improve your situation, stay away from fatty or acidic foods. If this isn’t helping, you can drink some teas that are safe for the baby and that can neutralize stomach acid.

TIP! Get your fluid intake between your meals instead of while you are eating. It’s more likely that you are thirsty rather than hungry, and this will settle your hunger pangs.

Production Goes

Smoking and acid reflux are not things that go well together. Stomach acid production goes up when you smoke while saliva production goes down. Avoid quitting cold turkey since it could stress your body more and worsen reflux. Take a very conservative approach when trying to quit.

TIP! When you’re at your optimal weight there is a less of a chance that you will get GERD. When you’re carrying too much fat, the opening located in the lower part of the esophagus will relax.

If you live an active lifestyle and notice it after taking part in strenuous activities or exercises, there could be a simple fix. Increase your intake of water. This will help to keep your body hydrated. This will also aid in the digestion of your food. You can curb acid production in your stomach by using water to promote healthy digestion.

Acid Reflux Symptoms

TIP! You can take a supplement called slippery elm to help with acid reflux. It increases the amount of mucus in the stomach’s lining.

To reduce your acid reflux symptoms, lose some weight. Obesity is one of the leading causes. Losing around 10% of your current body weight can lessen your acid reflux symptoms greatly. Losing weight is best when consuming smaller amounts of food, not by a crash diet.

Avoid alcohol to rid yourself of acid reflux. Alcohol is one cause of acid building up in the stomach, and it can also eat away at the stomach’s lining. If you’re socializing with friends, limit alcohol consumption to remain feeling good.

TIP! The feeling of a heart attack can be mimicked by severe reflux pain. For your health and safety, always have a doctor check out chest pains.

If you suffer from acid reflux, avoid laying down immediately after consuming a meal. When you recline, your digestion slows down. You’ll keep your reflux at bay and feel a lot better if you try to stay upright more often.

Acid reflux can interfere with your life. However, there is much you can do to make it go away. Keep the information from this article in mind, and you will be one step closer to keeping your symptoms under control.

TIP! Steer clear of clothes that are too tight. Tight pantyhose, waistbands, and belts usually fall into this category.

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