Do you have acid reflux on a regular basis? If so, then you probably realize how it can be detrimental to your body’s health and disturbing to your day. It can be quite the disturbance in an otherwise happy day. You need to continue reading to find out how to eliminate this condition.

If you suffer from acid reflux, you should really consider giving up fatty foods. These high-fat foods relax your esophageal sphincter, making it easier for acid to travel upward from your stomach. They also contribute to obesity, and people who are overweight suffer from acid reflux more frequently than those at a healthy weight. The healthier you eat, the healthier you are!

TIP! Poor eating habits is often what makes acid reflux rear its ugly head. It’s not uncommon to bolt your food quickly and to excess.

Stress can cause acid reflux. When your stress level is too high, the stomach produces more acid than normal. After each meal, do something you find relaxing. You can watch some television, read a good book or do anything relaxing.

Our acid reflux can be triggered by specific foods. Common foods that cause reflux are chocolate, caffeinated beverages, and fried foods. You should also avoid spicy foods as much as possible. Every person has their own list, so you have to determine what most bothers you at mealtime. To be safe, avoid all these.

TIP! If you stay at a weight that is healthy you will be unlikely to suffer from GERD. When you’re carrying too much fat, the opening located in the lower part of the esophagus will relax.

Stomach Lining

Slippery elm, when ingested as a supplement, can help thicken mucous in your stomach and reduce erosion of the stomach lining. This thickening process protects your stomach lining from all the acid it contains. A lot of folks find that a couple of tablespoons mixed into some water following dinner and before bedtime gives them relief.

TIP! Pregnancy can cause acid reflux in women. As the fetus grows in size, it crowds your stomach, causing acid to be pushed up from the stomach into the esophagus.

It pays to remain in an upright position for at least two hours following a meal. If you recline or lie down, acid can go up the esophagus easier since gravity is not keeping it down. You can find relief by remaining in a standing or seated position.

Elevate the headboard of your bed. Use risers or bricks to increase the incline. Be sure your head is half a foot higher than the bottom of your bed. By elevating your chest and head, you prevent stomach acid from traveling upward to your esophagus.

TIP! Refrain from sitting down after you consume a meal. Lying down allows stomach acids and the contents of your stomach to move easily into your esophagus.

You should now know how to control your acid reflux. You may find that ridding yourself of acid reflux takes time. But, now that you have read this article, you know the best methods available to you. Use the tips and tricks here to help you on the way to an acid reflux free life. You don’t have to suffer any longer!

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