Do you suffer from acid reflux? If you don’t know whether you do or not, you may be shocked to learn that you can prevent it. Not only can acid reflux cause heartburn, it can also cause nausea, excess bloating and throat lumps. To prevent this, give this article a read.
To sleep well at night and prevent acid reflux, you may want to place a wedge underneath the mattress in order to keep your head raised. You can also use books, wood, or anything else which puts the mattress up at an angle to the base of the bed. You can also use an electronic bed that elevates.
Acid reflux can also be caused by stress. When you are overly stressed out, more acid is produced in the stomach, causing acid reflux. Therefore, you should relax while eating and after each meal. Effective relaxation techniques include reading, watching television, listening to soothing music or meditating quietly.
Raise up your bed to where your top half is higher up. Use a wedge or a plank to raise the head of your bed. Raise the head of the bed about six inches. Raising your head is a good way of keeping the acid in your stomach.
Treat your acid reflux symptoms by hydrating yourself. Drink more water. This will help to keep your body hydrated. Water also facilitates digestion. Acid production will decrease if you drink water while you are eating.
Acid Reflux
It’s time to shed some pounds. Obesity is one major cause of acid reflux occurring. Losing around 10% of your current body weight can lessen your acid reflux symptoms greatly. However, do not crash diet. Instead, lose weight by moderate exercise and consuming healthier, smaller meals.
There are specific foods that are very likely to cause acid reflux for virtually anyone who suffers from this condition. If you avoid or limit those foods, you will have less or no acid reflux. Spicy and hot foods are two kinds that you want to avoid.
Acid Reflux
Eat small meals frequently. Large meals can increase the chance of acid reflux occurring. Full stomachs cause pressure to be placed on the esophageal sphincter, which then opens as a means of gaining relief. As a result, stomach acid rises into the esophagus, causing acid reflux. Consider eating smaller meals more often, over the course of the day.
Acid reflux is a problem for a lot of people, all over the world. One third of all American adults have this disease. When this includes you, make use of the tips here to feel better fast.
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