Acid reflux is a miserable thing to experience. It’s hard to combat the painful symptoms of acid reflux when you should be sleeping. The period following each meal is often excruciating. The purpose of this article is to inform and empower you in matters of acid reflux. There are helpful tips here that can really help you stop those acid reflux flareups.

The way you eat can determine your symptoms. It’s not uncommon to bolt your food quickly and to excess. Eating too much food can cause your stomach to produce more acid. You should stop when you feel full. Eat slower too. Lay the fork down between taking bites and slowly chew your food thoroughly.

TIP! Eating certain foods can increase the symptoms of acid reflux. Lots of people eat too much food, and they eat it really fast.

Pregnancy often causes acid reflux. As the baby grows, it begins to crowd the stomach, pushing acid back up the esophagus. Therefore, to help alleviate symptoms, you should eat foods that are low in fat and low in acidity. Many women safely use teas during their pregnancies that soothe and heal the stomach and esophagus.

Spicy foods, like hot peppers, need to be avoided if you have acid reflux. These foods can worsen acid buildup in the digestive tract and worsen your symptoms. Avoid these items and you will feel better right away.

TIP! Stress can cause acid reflux. During stressful times, stomach acid production increases significantly, which leads to reflux.

The supplement slippery elm is known to assist in managing acid reflux. It does this by thickening your stomach’s mucous lining layer. This layer keeps your stomach safe from stomach acid. Consume about one tablespoon full with water just after a meal and just prior to going to sleep.

You don’t want to lay down after eating. When you lay down, your digestive tract can sometimes have difficulty with the food you have consumed. Keeping yourself upright can help you keep the acid out of your esophagus.

TIP! What do you eat? How do you feel afterward? You have some types of foods that trigger acid reflux for you, just like every other person who suffers with this condition. You can still eat small quantities of the foods that trigger acid reflux but you need to be very careful.

Learn how to combat stress. Stress produces stomach acid, which in turn can cause inflammation and heartburn pain. What causes your anxiety? Put it to rest.

Slippery Elm Bark

TIP! Smoking can cause serious problems if you suffer from reflux. Nicotine and stomach acid go hand in hand; the more nicotine you have in your system, the more stomach acid you will have.

Give slippery elm lozenges a try. The main ingredient, slippery elm bark, will coat your digestive system with a protective layer. Slippery elm bark can also help with your coughing. These can bought at most health food and natural remedy stores.

Avoid alcohol if you have acid reflux. Alcohol consumption is a major cause of excessive production of stomach acids. Be sure to limit alcohol consumption to two or fewer drinks per day. Choose your drink with care to avoid acid reflux.

TIP! Chew cinnamon gum post-meal. This increases saliva production.

Find relief now with the application of the provided techniques. It is the person who is determined to reach their goals who will be likeliest to attain them. You need to move forward by using the information you’ve read. This will help you feel much better.

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