Some simple information can help you better deal with your acid reflux. There are a variety of strategies that can help you know what to do when you suffer from acid reflux pain and discomfort. You need to know your options, and you need to be able to make a well-informed decision.

If you’re suffering from acid reflux while sleeping, try putting a wedge below your mattress. It raises up your head, keeping symptoms from increasing. Essentially any object can be used to prop up the mattress. You may also find beds that are electronically controlled.

TIP! Your dinner should occur three hours or more prior to your bedtime. The upright position will force acids to make their way to your stomach.

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is often made worse by trigger foods. Fried foods, caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and even chocolate are common triggers for acid reflux. Citrus fruits and other acidic produce are also possible causes. Keep a log of what foods seem to cause your acid reflux. You may find some common problem foods are fine for you, while other foods that are not listed upset your stomach. Avoid all of this, and your chances of suffering from acid reflux decline tenfold.

TIP! Try to limit the fatty foods that you eat during the day. These foods can cause more acid to enter your esophagus.

Smokers should consider quitting in order to get rid of acid reflux. Nicotine and stomach acid go hand in hand; the more nicotine you have in your system, the more stomach acid you will have. But when it is time to quit smoking, do it with some help. Cold turkey puts the body under stress and this can make your acid reflux problems worse. Try to quit slowly.

Intense periods of physical activity may be the cause of your acid reflux. One way to help is to drink plenty of water. Water fulfills your need for hydration. Additionally, it will assist with digestion. This ensures acid production stays at a minimum.

TIP! Keep stomach acid in your stomach by elevating the top of your mattress with a wedge. Prop your mattress with a plank or some book to make sure your head is elevated.

Acid Reflux

Lose weight to help prevent and lessen the effects of acid reflux. Obesity is a main cause of acid reflux. If you lose 10% of your weight, acid reflux will have a lesser effect on your body. Weight loss should be done by eating smaller meals, not by crash dieting.

TIP! A leading cause of acid reflux is stress. Excessive stress often causes excessive stomach acid, which causes acid reflux.

Don’t lie down after eating. When laying down, the digestive tract can have problems with what you eat. When you are upright, gravity will assist in keeping acid down.

Pregnant women can get acid reflux because of the baby pressing against the stomach; this results in the formation of acid reflux. If this might be your case, consult a physician for appropriate remedies, in particular for later trimesters.

TIP! Some trigger foods cause acid reflux. Alcohol, chocolate, caffeine and fried foods are a few of the different items that can cause acid reflux.

The pH of food doesn’t mean anything when it comes to whether it forms acid or not. High-acid foods, such as lemons, become high-alkaline foods following digestion. It can all be quite confusing. Learn more about food pH if acid reflux afflicts you.

Now do you feel ready to tackle acid reflux? You have all the knowledge you need now, so you should be ready. You do not have suffer any longer.

TIP! After eating, avoid lying down for two to three hours. Lying down allows acid to climb up your esophagus.

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