How can I have a better sleep? I’m restless nightly and get no sleep. I just need a good night of sleep! If this sounds familiar, you will find help is at hand in this article.
If you’re being kept awake by insomnia, ask your significant other for an evening massage. This is a great way to ease tension and put you in “sleepy” mode. Don’t think during the massage; just relax so you can sleep.
Sleep only as long as you need to feel rested. Do not sleep longer to try to make up for your lack of sleep in the past, or what you’ll miss later on. Sleep the same number of hours nightly, and be sure you are sleeping enough to stay well rested. Don’t try to hoard hours or skimp on other days.
Keep an eye on both the ventilation and temperature conditions in your bedroom. You do not want to be in a room that feels too extreme. This can make it harder to sleep. Keep your thermostat around 65 for better sleeping conditions. Have enough blankets to layer yourself appropriately into a good comfort zone.
Avoid eating and drinking right before bed. If you eat before bed, your tummy will keep you awake. If you drink, you will need to get up in the middle of the night. Have a small drink and snack two hours before your head hits the pillow. Eating late at night can make you have a lot of dreams, too!
If you find that insomnia occurs with some frequency, set up a nighttime ritual to follow. These nightly rituals will help to trigger sleeping cues within the body and mind. This will help you feel sleepy by the time you are ready for bed. Soon you will not need to worry about insomnia.
It is important not to go to sleep on an empty stomach. Eating a modestly-sized snack with plenty of carbohydrates before turning in (e.g. crackers or fruit) may in fact be beneficial for you. This can trigger your body to release serotonin, helping you relax.
Smoking not only gives you lung cancer and heart disease, but it causes your mind to be stimulated at bedtime. The nicotine causes your heart rate to rise, which creates a stimulant-like effect. It’s smart to quit smoking for many different reasons. Sleeping more soundly is just one of them.
Worrying about the next day can keep you asleep at night. For instance, if you have to pay bills, do them today so you will not have think about them overnight. Reduce all the worries that you have as much as possible during the daytime hours. Make a task list for the next day before bedtime, so that you don’t stress out in bed.
Now you’ll sleep better and feel amazing every day. Start applying these tips today. By using the advice from this article, you will get a better sleep every night.
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Insomnia Got You Down? Break Through It With These Tips