If you have acid reflux, you suffer greatly. It doesn’t matter what causes the problem, but it does matter that the sufferer take the necessary steps to solve it. This means you need to read articles like this since they will explain what needs to be done to get rid of this condition.

Use an additional pillow to keep your head raised while you sleep. You can be creative about what you use. Boards, old books, bricks and so forth will all work just as well to elevate the head of your bed. Electric beds are also an option here as well.

TIP! Be sure to eat supper three hours before going to bed. When you are in an upright position, the food and stomach acid gets pulled down into your stomach.

Try raising your bed’s frame. Use a wedge or a plank to raise the head of your bed. Ideally, your head should be elevated six full inches higher than your feet. When you have your chest and head elevated, stomach acid is less likely to come up when sleeping.

Alcohol is another no-no. Besides causing acid to begin to build up and eat away at your stomach lining, alcohol worsens acid reflux. If you are headed out for a night on the town, limit the alcoholic drinks you ingest to minimize the potential for reflux later.

TIP! Think about placing a wedge under the mattress so your head is raised when you sleep. Prop your mattress with a plank or some book to make sure your head is elevated.

You should never lay down after a meal. Your digestion will be impeded. If you remain upright, you can steer clear of acid reflux symptoms.

Moderate Exercise

TIP! Stop smoking now. Smoking contributes to your acid reflux.

Engage in moderate, upright exercise, like taking a long walk. There are a number of reasons why this will assist you in dealing with acid reflux. First, keeping upright aids in proper digestion. Moderate exercise can also help you to lose weight and reduce symptoms. Even though you should do moderate exercise, avoid extreme exercise because this may worsen your acid reflux rather than reduce it.

Maintain your ideal weight, or lose weight if needed. Extra weight can greatly increase the frequency of acid reflux attacks. Extra weight around the middle increases pressure on the stomach, causing the reflux. Dropping a couple of pounds can help.

TIP! Acid reflux pain can be managed by eliminating peppers, hot sauce and other spicy foods from the diet. These foods only escalate the buildup of acid in the digestive tract and can worsen your condition.

If you’re pregnant, your baby’s weight may be pushing against the stomach causing acid reflux. If this is your case, meet with your doctor to find out what you can do about this situation.

Slippery Elm

TIP! Stress can be a factor in your condition. When stress rears its head, acid production increases, causing reflux.

A lozenge containing slippery elm may give you some relief. These are derived from the bark of the slippery elm tree. They are natural and work to provide a soothing coating for your throat and internal organs. Lozenges also reduce your coughing and soothes your irritated throat. You should be able to find this product at your local health food store.

At some point, you’ll have to stop ignoring your acid reflux. Begin right now with the information presented here. Eat healthy, exercise and use these tips and you’ll feel great.

TIP! When you have an acid reflux flareup, try to remember what you ate just prior to that. People who have acid reflux can usually point to specific foods that cause problems.

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